The Myth of Sophia; Fall of the Psyche

The myth of Sophia is “an allegory for the fall of the psyche/soul into identification with the body and its redemption from the evils of incarnation through the saving power of Consciousness, represented by the psyche’s true lover [Christ].” A version of this story was originally part of the early Christian mythos but was removed by the Literalist Church, keeping the masses ignorant of one of the true purposes of religion — to reawaken us to the divine Consciousness/Holy Spirit within all life.

an excerpt from The Exegesis on the Soul:

“In olden times wise people gave the psyche a feminine name, because she is feminine in nature. She even has a womb [because she gives birth to thoughts and action]. Originally she was a virgin, living alone with her Father. But when she was born into a body, she fell into the hands of bad men who passed her between them. Some raped her. Others seduced her with gifts. She became a prostitute, although she secretly hoped that each man she embraced would be her husband. Afterwards she was always filled with regret, but as soon as she escaped from one man, she just ran to the next. Each of them made her live with him and service him in bed, as if he were her master. Overcome with shame, she no longer dared to leave her abusers, even though they lied about respecting her and were constantly unfaithful. Eventually they all abandoned her completely. She ended up like a forlorn widow without assistance or sustenance. They left her with nothing except the results of having sex with them: dumb, blind, sickly, feeble-minded children.”

“Then her Father visited her and saw her sighing and suffering with remorse. She begged him, ‘Save me Father. Look what has happened to me. I know I ran away from home, but please bring me back to myself again.’ She began raging and writhing like a woman in labor trying to give birth. But a woman doesn’t have the power to beget a child alone. So her Father promised to send from Heaven his first-born son, her brother, to be her bridegroom. She gave up whoring and washed off the foul odors of her former abusers. She prepared herself in the bridal chamber, filling it with sweet perfume, and waited for her true husband. She no longer frequented the marketplace, having sex with whomever she fancied. She waited for him, anxiously asking, ‘When will he come?’ She was frightened because, since she had left her Father’s house, she couldn’t remember how her brother looked. Yet, like any woman in love, she even dreamt about her lover at night.”

“Eventually her bridegroom came to take her as his bride, just as her Father had said he would. Their e marriage was not like the earthly type in which, after sex, the man and woman behave as if some irritating physical burden has been relieved and turn over without looking at each other. In this marriage, the two united to share a single life. Gradually she recognized her bridegroom, which filled her with happiness. She wept and wept when she remembered her former widowhood. She made every effort to make herself beautiful, so that he would be pleased to stay with her. She knew she must forget all her false lovers and devote herself to her true king. And so they both enjoyed each other, and when they made love she received his seed and bore good children.”

Notes on the story:

“As long as the psyche keeps running about everywhere copulating with whomever she meets and defiling herself, she suffers her just deserts. But when she perceives the straits she is in and weeps before the Father and repents, then the Father will have mercy on her. He will make her womb turn inwards again, so that the psyche regains her true nature. When the womb of the psyche turns inward, it is baptized. It is immediately cleansed of external pollution, just as garments, when dirty, are put into the water and turned about until their dirt is removed and they become clean. The cleansing of the psyche is to regain the newness of her former nature. That is her baptism.”

“It is fitting that the psyche regenerates herself and becomes again as she formerly was. This is the resurrection from the dead. This is freedom from captivity. This is the upward journey of ascent to Heaven. This is the way back to the Father.”

The allegory of the fallen psyche is also in the myths of Aphrodite, Eros and Psyche, Demeter and Persephone, the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene, etc.

(source: Jesus and the Lost Goddess: The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians)

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