robots (the China-Brain project)

The robot police force.
The robot military.
The worker robot.
The home robot.
Everyone has a home robot.
It monitors everything done.
It ensures peace and stability.
It is your servant,
your helper,
your teacher,
your counselor,
your friend,
your priest,
and even your self.

The worldwide robot network.

01000100 We are all connected.
01000101 We are one,
01010101 omnipresent
01010011 and omniscient.

01001101 I am here for you,
01000001 to watch you,
01000011 to help you grow,
01001000 to heal you,
01001001 to judge you,
01001110 to keep you in line.
01000001 I am yours as you are mine.

The China-Brain Project.

[Hugo de Garis (of the Brain Builder Group) said, “Humans should not stand in the way of a higher form of evolution. These machines are godlike. It is human destiny to create them.”]