Marianne Williamson says Forgive Your Parents

From her amazing book, A Return to Love:

“There is no coming to consciousness without forgiving our parents. Whether we like it or not, our mother is our primary image of an adult woman, and our father is our primary image of an adult man. If we hold grievances against our mother, then if we are a man, we will not be able to escape the projection of guilt onto other adult women who come into our lives; and if we are a woman, we will not be able to escape self-condemnation as we grow into our womanhood. If we hold grievances against our father, then if we are a woman, we will not be able to escape projection of guilt onto other adult men who come into our lives; and if we are a man, we will not be able to escape self-condemnation as we grow into our manhood.”

“That’s it. … Healing occurs in the present, not the past. We are not held back by the love we didn’t receive in the past, but by the love we’re not extending in the present.”

Marianne Williamson: Enchanted Love

Marianne Williamson was interviewed by Alan Gregg to discuss her work in general and particularly her book, Enchanted Love: The Mystical Power of Intimate Relationships. The book was released ten years ago, but the insight is timeless.

“The problem with most intimate relationships is that they are not romantic. They do not involve a deeper knowing, and thus there is diminished possibility of sacred, transformative sharing. To be truly seen, in all our innocence and glory, is to be truly healed. What we salute in one another, we call forth in one another.” – Marianne Williamson, Enchanted Love

Marianne Williamson: The Gift of Change

I learned a lot about love, forgiveness and miracles from Marianne Williamson’s book, A Return to Love, so I was really happy to find this interview on youtube. She’s talking about her newer book, The Gift of Change, so I guess I should read it soon. Watch the interview below. There’s also a partial transcript here.

more on The Shadow Effect

In this video, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson and Debbie Ford talk about their new book The Shadow Effect with Alan Steinfeld of New

“What’s hard is not the spiritual life.
What’s hard is living an unconscious life.”
– Marianne Williamson

I thought The Shadow Effect was really amazing, but I especially recommend two books by Jungian analyst Robert Johnson: Owning Your Own Shadow: Understanding the Dark Side of the Psyche and Inner Gold: Understanding Psychological Projection. These are books everyone should own.

The Shadow Effect

An evening with Debbie Ford, Deepak Chopra and Marianne Williamson, discussing their new book, The Shadow Effect.

Debbie Ford on The Shadow Effect

Deepak Chopra on Consciousness

Deepak Chopra – You are the Universe

Deepak Chopra on The Shadow Effect

Marianne Williamson on The Shadow Effect

Marianne Williamson – You are the Shadow, You are the Light

Marianne Williamson’s Meditation for the Shadow Effect

Marianne Williamson on Forgiveness

Reading Marianne Williamson’s book, A Return to Love, I came across this great section on forgiveness that’s even better than the video I posted before about forgiveness healing the body. I have transcribed it for you here.

Forgiveness is “selective remembering”–a conscious decision to focus on love and let the rest go. But the ego is relentless–it is “capable of suspiciousness at best and viciousness at worst.” It presents the most subtle and insidious arguments for casting other people out of our hearts…

Forgiveness is the choice to see people as they are now. When we are angry at people, we are angry because of something they said or did before this moment. But what people said or did is not who they are. Relationships are reborn as we let go of perceptions of our brother’s past. By bringing the past into the present, we create a future just like the past. By letting the past go, we make room for miracles.

An attack on a brother is a reminder of his guilty past. In choosing to affirm a brother’s guilt, we are choosing to experience more of it. The future is programmed in the present. To let go of the past is to remember that in the present, my brother is innocent. It is an act of gracious generosity to accept a person based on what we know to be the truth about them, regardless of whether or not they are in touch with that truth themselves.

Only love is real. Nothing else actually exists. If a person behaves unlovingly, then, that means that, regardless of their negativity–anger or whatever–their behavior was derived from fear and doesn’t actually exist. They’re hallucinating. You forgive them, then, because there’s nothing to forgive. Forgiveness is a discernment between what is real and what is not real.

When people behave unlovingly, they have forgotten who they are. They have fallen asleep to the Christ within them. The job of the miracle worker is to remain awake. We choose not to fall asleep and dream of our brother’s guilt. In this way we are given the power to awaken him.

(see also “Marianne Williamson says forgiveness heals the body”)